Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) Counselling


What is an OGD?

An Oesophago Gastro Duodenoscope (OGD) is a specialised examination that allows your doctor to look inside your upper digestive tract using an endoscope.  An endoscope is a long, thin and flexible tube with a video camera attached to one end and controls at the other end.  Your doctor can guide the endoscope safely to the areas to be examined.



Why do I need this procedure?

The upper digestive tract can be affected by many disorders, for example, ulcers, gastritis and cancer.  This test has been recommended to you to assist your doctor in finding out if your upper digestive tract is healthy or diseased.  Treatment may be performed through the endoscope, at the same examination.  For example, heat treatment can be applied to a bleeding ulcer to stop the bleeding.



What does it involve?

This procedure is usually an outpatient procedure. It is performed on an empty stomach, after at least six hours without food and drink.  During the procedure, everything will be done to make you as comfortable as possible.  The OGD is done with you lying on your left side.  An anaesthetic spray will be applied to the back of your throat to numb the area so that you are less likely to gag when the endoscope is introduced.  In addition an injection of a mild sedative can be given.  This will put you into a light sleep during the procedure.  When sedation is used, your pulse and oxygen level will be monitored with a finger-probe throughout the procedure.  The endoscope is then gently introduced.  You will be able to breathe easily throughout.  The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes excluding preparation time.  In some cases, it may be necessary to take a sample of tissue (biopsy) for examination.


What are the possible complications from an OGD?

An OGD is a very safe procedure.  Every care will be taken to minimise discomfort and complications.  You may experience some temporary throat discomfort after the procedure.  Complications rarely occur.  These occur less than 1 in 10 000 cases and include bleeding and perforation (a puncture of the lining of the upper digestive tract), which may require surgical repair.  The risks of sedation include lowering blood pressure, lowering oxygen level and slowing down breathing.  This is minimised by using the appropriate dose of sedative and monitoring of pulse and oxygen levels.  Rarely, these complications can be fatal.



What can I expect after an OGD?

When OGD is completed, you will be brought to the recovery area for monitoring and observation.  If you have received sedation, you should not drive or operate machinery on the same day.  For this reason, someone else must be available to accompany you home.  Your doctor will make an appointment for you to let you know the findings of the OGD, answer any questions you may have and, if needed, discuss treatment.



Is there an alternative test?

The alternative to OGD is a barium meal.  This is an x-ray investigation involving drinking a white liquid (barium).  X-ray pictures are then obtained.  It will not be possible to obtain a biopsy or apply direct treatment to the lining, if required.
