Choosing your Class reps



In year one you’ll get to pick some lucky (or should I say unlucky) people to form your class committee.  These comprise of the class rep, the assistant class rep, the secretary, treasurer, and the 3 track reps.  The job scopes are as follows:


Class Rep and Assistant Class Rep

The people who deal directly with the Dean’s Office on behalf of the class.  Sounds tough?  Not really.  Meetings are few and far between, although the Dean’s Office may call you to help them contact some students from time to time.


Class Secretary

Compiles the class directory and set ups the class yahoogroup. Period.


Class Treasurer

Collects money for the photocopying cost, and other miscellaneous expenses incurred as a class.


Track Reps

These people deal with the respective departments regarding matters pertaining to the class.  Examples would include topics to be tested for CA, revision tutorial timings, etc.


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