Medical Society



Now, it seems very weird to be talking about the Medical Society, or Medsoc, here, but since this is a fully comprehensive M1 survival guide I just felt like adding it.

Every medical student is a member of Medsoc, and is entitled to the welfare services that Medsoc provides.  Services include use of the Medical Student’s Lounge, free drinks at the lounge cupboard, labcoat loaning and TYS loaning.

In addition, the Society holds several activities throughout the year, the most notable being the Freshmen Orientation Camp, Medic Week, Sporting events and Social Events, like parties.  Be a part of the action, and make your time in medicine more memorable than just studying day in, day out!  For more information on the Society’s activities, just keep a ear and eye out for our event publicity.

If you want to do a part for the student population, why not even join the Medsoc Exco?  54 years of history with no retainees have proven that committee work is not as time-consuming as it seems!


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